Happily Ever After Hunt is Half way done! Check out my hunts page for Hints/LMs info. There are many cute happily/unhappily after items. This hunt is brought to you by Katnipz Events, and they just opened a sim! Katnipz Wonderland
The opening is packed with events:
Sales Room: TP
O R U Sale event: TP
♣ Daily sale at the smoking caterpillar. Every day 1-2 designers can put 1-2 items for 50% off on the platform for 24 hours!
♦ The list is done weekly. If the week is already full I will put you up for next week.
♥ Send me an IM or NC if you want to participate and I will do the list. First come first serve.
♠ Entrance fee is 50L, it doesn't matter if you put 1 or 2 items, the fee remains the same.
♦ All sale items will be featured on my blog every day! So you have to send me pictures.
Mad Hatters Midweek Sale:
♠ Sale on Wednesday and Thursday.
♥ One sale item for only 40L!
♦ All stores can participate if in time!
♣ No entrance fee!
♥ Biweekly event called The Rabbits Hole. Everything for 50L or less.
♦ Get a board and rezz up to 10 prim for 250L for 2 weeks
♦ Get a board and rezz up to 10 prim for 250L for 2 weeks
♣ Daily sale at the smoking caterpillar. Every day 1-2 designers can put 1-2 items for 50% off on the platform for 24 hours!
♦ The list is done weekly. If the week is already full I will put you up for next week.
♥ Send me an IM or NC if you want to participate and I will do the list. First come first serve.
♠ Entrance fee is 50L, it doesn't matter if you put 1 or 2 items, the fee remains the same.
♦ All sale items will be featured on my blog every day! So you have to send me pictures.
Mad Hatters Midweek Sale:
♠ Sale on Wednesday and Thursday.
♥ One sale item for only 40L!
♦ All stores can participate if in time!
♣ No entrance fee!
♦ 50 prim corner store, 300L/week (not available at the moment)
♠ 30 prim Card store upper and lower level, 150L/week
♥ Opening Offer ***Pay 3 weeks in advance from July 14th to Agusut 15th and get 1 week free***
♣ There are 4 blocks, Diamonds, Spades, Hearts, Clubs)
Eye Liner: -UtopiaH- Always Hiding Make-Up
Hair: . Liquence . - F2 in Color Ombres
Eyes: AL vulo ! * goldbunny marron glace eyes
Dress: {Princess Oddities} Wicked Queen Dress (Happily Ever After hunt)
Shoes: :: Miss Canning :: [ Studded Pumps] 10 Colors Pack+Bonus Color! NEW
Eyelashes: Pink Acid Alpha Top Eyelashes Mega 5 Pack (wearing Diva long)
Crown: .::[HTxDZ]::. Maleficent's Crown (Happily Ever After hunt)
Piercing: .r.M. - Buried Memories - Black
Necklace & Earrings: PP - Ra'naa Onyx Jewelry Set
Bracelets: Cute Poison- Fragmented Bracelets
Nails: ...:::Scrub:::... Bit Nails (gacha)
Wings: ~*S.E.*~ HEA Hunt - Dark Tales (AV Addon Set) (Happily Ever After hunt)

Eye Liner: .:Glamorize:. Insanity Eye Makeup - Smoke
Hair: . Liquence . - F2 in Color Ombres
Eyes: AL vulo ! * goldbunny marron glace eyes
Dress: {Princess Oddities} Princess Lolita (Happily Ever After hunt)
Shoes: [whatever] CG Spikes - white
Eyelashes: Pink Acid Alpha Top Eyelashes Mega 5 Pack (wearing Diva long)
Crown: {me.} Amour Headband - GOLD
Chain: <R> Celtic Face Chains - Gold
Necklace: Pure Poison -Group Gift - Leah Necklace (group gift)
Earrings: PP - Ra'naa Onyx Jewelry Set
Bracelets: :: Miss LT Goldenwork bracelets gold
Nails: adoness : valentine's gift : love fairy nails
Wings: ~*S.E.*~ HEA Hunt - Dark Tales (AV Addon Set) (Happily Ever After hunt)
♠ 30 prim Card store upper and lower level, 150L/week
♥ Opening Offer ***Pay 3 weeks in advance from July 14th to Agusut 15th and get 1 week free***
♣ There are 4 blocks, Diamonds, Spades, Hearts, Clubs)
Unhappily Ever After:
Skin: Essences - Wednesday II MAGENTIC - Brown SugarEye Liner: -UtopiaH- Always Hiding Make-Up
Hair: . Liquence . - F2 in Color Ombres
Eyes: AL vulo ! * goldbunny marron glace eyes
Dress: {Princess Oddities} Wicked Queen Dress (Happily Ever After hunt)
Shoes: :: Miss Canning :: [ Studded Pumps] 10 Colors Pack+Bonus Color! NEW
Eyelashes: Pink Acid Alpha Top Eyelashes Mega 5 Pack (wearing Diva long)
Crown: .::[HTxDZ]::. Maleficent's Crown (Happily Ever After hunt)
Piercing: .r.M. - Buried Memories - Black
Necklace & Earrings: PP - Ra'naa Onyx Jewelry Set
Bracelets: Cute Poison- Fragmented Bracelets
Nails: ...:::Scrub:::... Bit Nails (gacha)
Wings: ~*S.E.*~ HEA Hunt - Dark Tales (AV Addon Set) (Happily Ever After hunt)
Happily Ever After:
Skin: Essences - Wednesday II MAGENTIC - Brown SugarEye Liner: .:Glamorize:. Insanity Eye Makeup - Smoke
Hair: . Liquence . - F2 in Color Ombres
Eyes: AL vulo ! * goldbunny marron glace eyes
Dress: {Princess Oddities} Princess Lolita (Happily Ever After hunt)
Shoes: [whatever] CG Spikes - white
Eyelashes: Pink Acid Alpha Top Eyelashes Mega 5 Pack (wearing Diva long)
Crown: {me.} Amour Headband - GOLD
Chain: <R> Celtic Face Chains - Gold
Necklace: Pure Poison -Group Gift - Leah Necklace (group gift)
Earrings: PP - Ra'naa Onyx Jewelry Set
Bracelets: :: Miss LT Goldenwork bracelets gold
Nails: adoness : valentine's gift : love fairy nails
Wings: ~*S.E.*~ HEA Hunt - Dark Tales (AV Addon Set) (Happily Ever After hunt)