Sunday, June 23, 2013

# 21 A Strange Kind of Love - The Kollective

# 21 A Strange Kind of Love - The Kollective

Location: DryLand

The Kollective
First Round Open Now! (June 22 - July 20, 2013)

A great event is starting, this event is unique! It brings bloggers and designers together. Each round a bloggers and designers are paired together to collaborate on an exclusive item for The Kollective, creating relationships between bloggers and designers and great products. Come down to The Kollective and see what the inspired designs are for this round!

Skin: Essences - Wednesday II MAGENTIC - Brown Sugar

Hair: *TSM* Warpath V1 - L.E. Dark Blue/Hawt Pink NEW! @The Kollective
(colors are exclusive for The Kollective)

Eyes 1 - Edge grafica / diseased eyes

Eyes 2 (left) - .ID. April gift - ghost eyes

Eye Make-up 1 - little bones - {MC} "tuesday" – Pretty in Pink @MP

Eye Make Up 2 & Lipstick: -UtopiaH- Always Hiding Make-Up

Face Tattoo: REPULSE - Gashed Eyelids II Face Tattoo

Top: -SU!- Random Shirt Black V.2 -Zombie Love

Pants: NS:: HoleS Leggins also seen @The Thrift Shop

Leggings under pants: .:Ducknipple:. - Boktor Legging in Bio

Shoes: Gaga Zip Spike Color No Heels (color HUD) @MP

Boobs: Lolas Tangos

Goggles: [R3] - Gacha Goggles [Grunge] (gacha @The Thrift Shop)

Eyelashes: *REDGRAVE* 39 Luscious

Earrings: .mala. - Bulletproof Earring blk

Mask: Cobrahive - Escaping Lecter [black]

Collar: Corvus : Black Fierce Choker

Bracelet (right): : Amorous : You

Bracelet (left): PP- Black & Silver - Cross Stacked Brecelets

Belt: <TheAbyss> FM NAU Combat Belt

Brass Knuckles: EA! Brass Knuckles

Nails: SuPerBia NaiLs - PINK FUSHION
Bella Nova
Welcome to my blog. "Lost in my Inventoy" A blog about secondlife fashion.