Friday, June 14, 2013

# 16 it got alittle messy

#16 it got alittle messy
#16 head shot

Location: Bates Motel (info)

Skin:  { BoobieLicious } Groupgift May Preview Skin Jila
Hair: *booN YNO421 Black/chocolate/purple pack
Bangs:  *booN hairpieces KOKU99 in pink
Eyes: ~*By Snow*~ Revenant Eyes (Decay) w/MESH
Eye Make Up:  ee. Linter 1L Promo in Lime
Lipstick:  Essences - Hangover Lipstick #7
Top:  -SU!- Cut Off Top in Lipstick color
Corest: Deco Corset Zombie @ The Thrift Shop! (mesh)
Skirt:  Happy Undead - Mini Skirt [vinyl black] (mesh)
Shoes: {W&R} Gothic Night @ The Thrift Shop! (mesh)
Stockings 1: erratic / fishnet wide / hotpink
Stockings 2: // LUNARICON // - BACK TO GOTHIC [The Cross] RARE @ The Chapter Four!
Dirt & Blood: Mel Essence - Battlefield Dirt - Two Versions

Boobs: Lolas Tangos (mesh)
Eyelashes: *REDGRAVE* 39 Luscious
Horns & Forehead piercing: -UtopiaH-  My Cute Horns (Black) 
Horns 2:  lassitude & ennui Slightly monstrous mesh horns - sorbet (mesh)
HeadBand - [Whatever] spiked headband- blk
Lip Piercing 1: [ni.Ju] Snake Bites Piercing - Simple v02
Lip Piercing 2: [ni.Ju] Mouth Chain <3 Nom . prototype 
Nose Piercing:  .:ellabella:. Helene Greyscale (mesh)
Earrings 1: - .mala. - Bulletproof*black PACK
Earrings 2: [whatever] Cross Spike Earrings - silver
Necklace: - .mala. - Bulletproof*black PACK
Chest Piercing: [ S H O C K ] Claws of Death Piercings
Bracelet (right): : Amorous : You (Boxed)
Bracelet (left): PP- Black & Silver - Cross Stacked Brecelets*
Ring (cross): RO - Sanctus (mesh)
Brass Knuckles: =blu= knuckles necklace and engagement ring black
Nails: -UtopiaH- Military Hand [handset]
Bella Nova
Welcome to my blog. "Lost in my Inventoy" A blog about secondlife fashion.