Hair: booN YNO421 hair purple
Bangs: booN hairpieces GURA21
Skin: .Birdy. Brooke skin ~Pure~ (Sunshine) VIP gift <3
Bangs: booN hairpieces GURA21
Skin: .Birdy. Brooke skin ~Pure~ (Sunshine) VIP gift <3
Tango, Lush, SLink & Phat Azz Appliers avail.
Eyeliner: .:Glamorize:. Comet Eye Makeup - Biohazard Green
Lipstick: .random.Matter. - Royalty - Lipstick
Face Tattoo: +Nuuna+ Warp makeups
Tattoo: TATOO MANIA - Darkside Unisex
Tango Appliers
Eyes: Clemmm - The Whites
Eyeliner: .:Glamorize:. Comet Eye Makeup - Biohazard Green
Lipstick: .random.Matter. - Royalty - Lipstick
Face Tattoo: +Nuuna+ Warp makeups
Tattoo: TATOO MANIA - Darkside Unisex
Tango Appliers
Eyes: Clemmm - The Whites
Jacket: [Gang/Cold] Boo Jacket - Toxic
Panys: [LF] LC Lycra Pants Black
Phat Azz Appliers
Shoes: -DRD- monochrome boots
Headband: Cute Poison - Lament Headwear - Light
Piercing: Cute Poison - Hush Piercing Black
Lashes: Pink Acid -flourished Alpha Top lashes
Nose Chain: ARISE. Double Nose Chain - Black
Collar: .SALT - THE COLLAR - V3 @Bodify
Rings: Cute Poison - Spiked Ring Green & Purple
Nails: -UtopiaH- Military Hand