For Landmarks to my posts please see ❤FAV SHOPS❤ page
Skin: [HUSH] Taylor - Winterberry - Tone: Honey
Hair: Lelutka - Bouffant - naturals
Eyes 1 - Edge grafica / diseased eyes
Eyes 2 (left) - .ID. April gift - ghost eyes
Make Up 1: .:Glamorize:. Glitter And Glow Eye Makeup - Tar (comes in pack of colors)
Make Up 2: -Utopiah- Always Hiding
Face Tattoo: REPULSE - Gashed Eyelids II
Top 1: ::DirtyMind:: Give Bustier in Black
I am officially in love with DirtyMind probably going to own everything in their store :D
Pants: Maitreya Leather Skinny Pants in Black
Shoes: Pink Acid Mesh Scorpion Boots - Tarnished Metal Gld&Slv
Boobs: Lolas Tangos
Eyelashes: *REDGRAVE* 39 Luscious
Forehead Piercing & Horns: -UtopiaH- My cute horns in black
HeadBand: {me.} Amour Headband - GOLD
Mask: Cobrahive - Escaping Lecter [black]
Collar: :[P]:- Dena'Ina Collar:// Rock
Chest Piercing: [ S H O C K ] Claws of Death
Shoulder Pads: Pure Poison - Black - Spiked Military Shoulders
Bracelet (right 1): Erratic - Leather Chained Bracelets
Bracelet (right 2): Erratic / cuffs / gold (I edited them and attached them to my upper arms to make the cuffs)
Bracelet (left 1): Pure Poison- Black & Gold - Cross Stacked Brecelets
Bracelet (left 2): Pure Poison - Wicky Spiked Bracelets - Gift for coming to the store
Rings: ( R E D ) M I N T ~ gift 08'11
Brass Knuckles: EA!
Nails & Rings left hand: -UtopiaH- Military hand
Belt: [MANDALA] Unisex Mikoto Belt in black
Garter: dl:: Pocket Flask Legband